Reliable and accurate assessment tools created by experts

Testing Manifesto

The LT123 Testing Manifesto is intended to be a useful document to share information and ideas about assessment. It is a distillation of many years of shared experience within the LT123 team. We hope that it provides a sensible and robust approach to testing, whether thinking in terms of examining, designing tests or delivering them. You are welcome to reproduce it, but please always clearly credit us.

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The LT123 Testing Manifesto


  • Test developers must define what it is they are testing.
  • Tests must measure what they are intended to measure.
  • Tests must be at the right level.
  • Tests should be an appropriate length.
  • Test tasks must be clear and unambiguous.
  • Test content should be appropriate for the cultures in which it is used.
  • Tests should encourage pedagogically useful preparation.
  • Tests should always be as positive a learning experience for students as possible.
  • Test results should be the same whoever marks them.
  • Test results should be comparable with other tests.
  • Tests must be carefully checked before use.
  • Tests should only be used for the purposes for which they were designed.


  • All testing involves compromise.
  • All testing seeks to generalise.
  • Test questions may not be understood as the test developers intended.
  • Ask yourself what you have learnt about someone if they get your question right?
  • Ask yourself what you have learnt about someone if they get your question wrong?
  • Tests reveal what someone knows and doesn’t know now, not what they have known or will know.
  • Consider the balance between testing knowledge and testing what learners can do.
  • A good test can be poorly delivered.
  • A good test can be poorly deployed.
  • A good test construct can be turned into poorly designed tasks.
  • Very precisely focused questions may neglect the bigger picture.
  • Repetitional exercises may be desirable in learning but they become interdependent (and thus unreliable) in testing.